Free update. No purchase necessary. Available now.
How to download:
If you already have a digital or physical copy of Fragrant Story, you can download the Free DLC Expansion called "Papaya's Path" right now. Make sure your Nintendo 3DS console is connected to the internet, then click on the Fragrant Story icon. You should be prompted to download the update immediately.
You may also connect to the Nintendo eShop and manually update your game. Just search for "Fragrant Story" and locate the free update.
If you don't have a copy yet, you can still connect your 3DS to the Nintendo eShop and search for "Fragrant Story" to download this patch manually. However, the shop does not allow digital purchases anymore, so you will not be able to play the expansion content until you get your hands on a physical copy.
Need help?
If you need assistance downloading the update, please contact me privately and I will do what I can to help.